I’m Yours

I’m Yours from mel on Vimeo.

Love. At Girls Next Door we get to be in it’s sweet atmosphere quite often. Weddings. Birthday parties. Farewells. Awards nights. There’s even a little bit at corporate functions. Just kidding!

Being around love so often, one may consider us love experts. (For the purposes of this Blog, we’re going to pretend that’s the case.)

When you’re with someone you love, you can be yourself completely.

You are free to relax. To be a goofball. To have a quiet moment. You are able to cry, and to really laugh.

Be it your partner, family or closest friends. – if there are a handful of people like this in your life, then you are truly lucky.

But you know who else fulfils these needs in our lives? Day in, day out. And without judgment?


We’ve dedicated our first ever, brand-spankin’ new blog to our pets. Now you know the sort of people we are, enjoy ?